Monday, July 26, 2010

Noble Warriors Prayer Guide for Friday, July 30

We know that Noble Warriors exists and has Kingdom impact only because God allows it to be so. Please plan to join with us in praying for this work on Friday. A number of folks will be coming to the Noble Warriors Office to pray during the day. We've also set up a 12-hour prayer schedule. We'd love to know that you're praying during a particular time. You can register here.

We'd love to hear how God responds to your prayer time on behalf of the ministry. Please take time to comment below. Also, if you'd like for us to pray for you specifically, please send Mike an email directly. We'll pray for you during the day at the Noble Warriors office.

By the way... you know that Noble Warriors is a ministry to men, but much of our impact comes from the fact that many women pray for us! Ladies, please feel free to be part of this prayer movement!

Here's a list of things you could pray for and about on our behalf...

Noble Warriors Mission:

Engage, Equip and Encourage Churches to... Engage, Equip and Encourage Men to... Walk with Christ and Lead their families

Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits. Psalm 103:1-2

Offer Praise for the impact Noble Warriors is having in the community, in individual men's lives and in church discipleship for men.
  • Many men, marriages, families and churches have already been impacted by the work God is doing through Noble Warriors. Take time to thank God for...
  • The impact this ministry has had on you personally
  • Someone you know who has been impacted by this ministry
  • Pastors who are thinking more specifically and strategically about discipling men
  • Women who have seen their men step forward to lead their families
  • Children who have been blessed by a father who loves them differently now
  • Marriages that have been strengthened
"And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it" John 14:13-14

The Noble Warriors heartbeat is for men! Pray for MEN:
Pray that men who are floundering spiritually will develop a hunger for Truth
Pray for men who...
  • feel isolated
  • are hiding secret sin
  • lack accountability
  • have no true friends
  • have never seen Biblical manhood lived out
  • want to lead their family but don't know how
  • are struggling to live as servant leaders
Pray that men will begin to seek out answers to life's tough questions and that they will be drawn to God's Word and God's people
Pray for younger men who are searching for Godly examples
Pray that men will embrace Biblical manhood by
  • Rejecting Passivity
  • Accepting Responsibility
  • Leading Courageously and
  • Expecting God's Greater Reward

Pray for healthy and engaged leadership through the NW Board of Directors
Ask for the Lord's guidance in recruiting new and additional board members who possess a range of skills and life perspectives that will benefit the ministry
  • Men who walk in faith and will be sensitive to the Lord's direction
  • Men who are well-connected in the community and can help develop financial partners for the ministry
  • Men who will provide accountability and walk beside Mike to grow the ministry.
Pray for strategic partnerships between Noble Warriors and other ministries such as...
  • Iron Sharpens Iron National Men's Conferences
  • Men's Fraternity
  • American Family Radio
  • Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)
  • Family Life's Weekend to Remember Marriage Conferences
  • Sherwood Pictures (Creators of Flywheel, Facing the Giants, Fireproof and Courageous)

Pray for Financial Partnership Development
Pray for the new Partnership Development Team to...
  • recruit team members
  • develop a long-term strategic plan for raising support for the ministry
  • unite in vision and commitment to the team
Pray for new monthly partners (320 new partners at $25)
Meetings with potential investors who might make significant Kingdom investments in the ministry
Increased monthly support form local churches (currently 4 churches contribute $600 total in monthly support)
Rely on the Lord's leading and provision, knowing He is the provider and sustainer of this ministry.

Pray for direction, planning, resources - both financial and human, impact for the following ministry initiatives:
Manger Build
Radio Devotions
Men's Fraternity (praying for 100 groups this fall)
Operation Freedom (ministry to men battling sexual addiction)
Nickel Prayer Defense
Good Friday Service
Weekend to Remember Marriage Conferences (Local events in Nov and Dec)
Three Iron Sharpens Iron Conferences
  • Guidance in determining conference locations and host churches
  • Guidance in inviting keynote speakers and seminar speakers
  • Increased church participation (pray for 10 anchor churches for each conference who will bring 25+ men, champion the conference in their community and supply volunteers)
  • Build regional coalitions to promote Iron Sharpens Iron as a strong ministry asset for local churches

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Strategic Prayer Initiative - Friday July 30th!

We're amazed by God's work in and through this ministry. Much as been accomplished but there is much yet to be done. We recognize that the Sovereign Lord helps us see ministry opportunities and supplies resources necessary to respond. We also believe that God's hand of favor rests on this work. We don't want to lose that. Neither do we want to step outside of His purpose and call for Noble Warriors.

So for 12 hours next Friday, July 30th, from 5 AM to 5 PM we're asking folks to pray for Noble Warriors. We'll publish a prayer guide next week and will have a blog page online for people to share their comments. The Noble Warriors office will be open for prayer throughout the day.

Please consider being a part of this important aspect of the ministry by praying during one of our 30 minute time slots.
Click here to register!

FW: Sittin in a Mud Puddle, A Personal Mud-Puddling Story, Strategic Prayer On Friday July 30th

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Noble Notes

Encouragement For Men

July 21, 2010

In This Issue

Sittin in the Mud Puddle

A Personal Mud-Puddling Story

Strategic Prayer Initiative

Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage

Courageous Update

About Noble Notes

Quick Links

Canoe Trip 2007- 2


Click here

to listen to our Daily Radio Challenges or tune in weekdays on AFR logo

Will you partner with the ongoing ministry of Noble Warriors to help Engage, Encourage, &

Equip Men?


Many of you receive these messages because they are forwarded to you by friends. Could I encourage you to add your name directly to our list? Join Our Mailing List!

Sitting in a Mud Puddle!

Boys love to play in the mud. I stomped in my fair share of mud puddles as a kid and have churned up some mud in Jeeps & ATVs as an adult. Guys like to get in the mud and slosh it around. Mud is an an obstacle, a challenge, an adventure... fun!

But, I now have another view of mud puddles. At a Weekend to Remember Conference last month, Stacy and I leaned a new concept that is helping us communicate. If you're at all observant around women, you've recognized that sometimes they just need to talk about what's going on in their lives with more descriptive emotion than most of us can handle. And being guys who like to save the day, solve problems and fix things, our natural tendency is to offer suggestions and solutions. Almost without exception, this is a bad idea.

So, what did we learn at the conference? A new concept called "mud-puddling". The speaker, Bill Munz, said that when his wife is in one of those moods, she tells him that she needs for him to just sit in a mud puddle with her for a while. This is a high level code that means "just sit and listen attentively but don't try to fix anything". Most of us guys weren't born with natural skill for just sitting in the mud puddle. Our natural inclination is to churn it up, but we can and must learn to bless our wives by just sitting in the puddle with her.

I will tell you that women are much better at this than most of us, so... there are times (like last week at our house) when it's wise to suggest that your wife go out and "mud-puddle" with some other ladies. If you spend some fun time with the kids and encourage her to meet with her girlfriends for some "mud-puddling", you can be her hero! So guys here's the deal...

  1. Practice the un-natural art of "mud puddling" with your wife.

  1. Recognize those surprise times when she just starts talking and go into "mud puddle mode". Listen attentively but don't offer solutions.
  2. Recognize when you're in over your head and encourage her to go for an intense "mud puddling session" with some girlfriends.

Remember guys, Peter told us to "live with your wife in an understanding way" You may never fully understand but there can be much joy on the journey. Read on...


Last week, I knew Stacy needed more "mud-puddling" therapy than I'm capable of. So I encouraged her to go out with friends. She made some calls and set a plan. I knew which restaurant they were going to meet at so I stopped by on the way home and bought a gift certificate for dessert. I wrote a brief note encouraging the ladies to enjoy their time together. I described my wife to the manager and went home to spend a fun evening with the kids.

Well, let's just say that when the manager comes to the table and asks "are you Stacy?", then proceeds to explain that her husband stopped by earlier and paid for dessert, that makes a HUGE impression! Guys, I encourage you to try this! The results are wonderful!!

Do you have a reaction or personal story about the "mud-puddling" concept? I'd love to hear about it! Email me with your story.

Strategic Prayer Initiative - Friday July 30th!

We're amazed by God's work in and through this ministry. Much as been accomplished but there is much yet to be done. We recognize that the Sovereign Lord helps us see ministry opportunities and supplies resources necessary to respond. We also believe that God's hand of favor rests on this work. We don't want to lose that. Neither do we want to step outside of His purpose and call for Noble Warriors.

So for 12 hours next Friday, July 30th, from 5 AM to 5 PM we're asking folks to pray for Noble Warriors. We'll publish a prayer guide next week and will have a blog page online for people to share their comments. The Noble Warriors office will be open for prayer throughout the day.

Please consider being a part of this important aspect of the ministry by praying during one of our 30 minute time slots.

Click here to register!


We all have a tendency to take ourselves and many circumstances in our lives too seriously. Laughter is great medicine! Marriages and homes that are seasoned with laughter tend to be quite healthy. Here's a great opportunity to inject some laughter and health into your marriage.

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

Click Here For More Information

Presented by First Things First of Greater Richmond - Aug 20-21


Courageous Banner

Keep praying for Alex and Stephen Kendrick along with the rest of the Sherwood Pictures Team as they work on post production!

About Noble Warriors and Noble Notes

Noble Warriors exists to engage, equip and encourage churches who engage, equip and encourage men to walk with Christ and lead their families.

Noble Notes is a weekly email touch that we hope will help accomplish the mission. Our desire is that you find it useful and applicable. Please feel free to pass it along to others or submit an email address of a friend so they will receive it also.

You will find more helpful information at our website

Click here to check out our daily radio challenges or listen week days at 7:45 AM on American Family Radio 89.7

Your comments and suggestions are welcome at

Mike Young
Noble Warriors

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Will You Be A Prayer Warrior?

Noble Warriors' Day of Prayer
Friday, July 30, 2010
5:00 AM to 5:00 PM

God has richly blessed the ministry of Noble Warriors and provided many opportunities to encourage men to walk with Christ and lead their families. This ministry covets your prayer support on an ongoing basis. However on Friday, July 30th we are setting aside a 12 hour period to focus on specific prayer requests for the upcoming Fall season of ministry.

Please sign-up for a 1/2 hour time slot at

to join us at the Noble Warriors Leadership Zone

13509 East Boundary Road, Suite D

Midlothian, Virginia 23112

Prayer Guides will be available when you arrive.

If you are unable to attend the prayer event here at the NWLZ but would like to pray for this ministry, please let us know and we will provide you with a prayer guide to use at your convenience. To contact us call 804-365-8683 or email

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fwd: Sir, What Are Your Intentions? It's Family Time! Words of Wisdom

Noble Warriors with arrow
Noble Notes
Encouragement For Men
July 7, 2010
In This Issue
Be Intentional!
It's Family Time!
Words of Wisdom
About Noble Notes
Quick Links
Click here
to listen to our Daily Radio Challenges or tune in weekdays on AFR logo
Will you partner with the ongoing ministry of Noble Warriors to help Engage, Encourage, &
Equip Men?

Many of you receive these messages because they are forwarded to you by friends. Could I encourage you to add your name directly to our list? Join Our Mailing List!

Mark your calendars for July 30th
Noble Warriors'
Day of Prayer
More details to follow
Be Intentional!
Sir, what are your intentions? Many of us have wishes and desires but I think the idea of intention is much stronger. In several different contexts over the last few weeks, I've heard this directive, "Be Intentional!" and I think it's great advice (as long as you're intentional about the right things). See, there's a big difference between wishing you had a strong marriage and being intentional about investing in the health of your marriage. Just like there's a difference between wishing your child would respond more positively and being intentional about strengthening your relationship with him or her.
Summer is here. Schedules are a little different. Days are longer. Perhaps you have more flexibility or greater opportunity. Let's all endeavor to be intentional about something that we've been lax on lately. Here are some ideas...
Man Reading BibleBe intentional about meeting with God - Establish prayer and bible reading as a priority for the next 30 days. Get up early and meet with the creator of the universe. Read some scripture and pray. Jesus himself modeled intentionality for us here: "And rising very early in the morning, while it was still hard, he departed and went out to a desolate place , and there he prayed." Mark 1:35
Be intentional about investing in your marriage- Men summer is a great time for simple dates with your bride. I'm amazed by how a small investment in listening to Stacy process her day helps her feel close to me. I must admit that it's hard for me to just listen Couple on Ice Cream Datewithout making lots of comments and suggestions. But, I'm practicing phrases I learned from other wise men with healthy marriages... phrases like, "Tell me more." "Then what happened?" "How can I help?"

Summer is a great time to 'rejoice in the wife of your youth'. It's also a great time for the complete teaching of Proverbs 5:15-19. Be intentional about looking up and practicing this wisdom from Solomon! By the way... The $.99 Frosty is back at Wendy's. You can enjoy a date-night conversation for just over $2.00!
Dad & Kids Bike RidingBe intentional about investing in your children. Summer is an awesome time to do things differently with your kids. Here are some great ideas:
  • Evening bike rides
  • Games in the yard
  • Household projects
  • Reading a book together
  • Plan a trip together
  • Date nights with Dad
Remember Deuteronomy 6:6-9 - Teach them God's truths "when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
Read on for information about an excellent resource to help you share spiritual truth with your family...
Family Time LogoI know lots of guys who are searching for answers about how to share God's Truth with their kids in a fun, practical and engaging way. Here's the best answer I have found so far... Family Time
Kirk Weaver is the founder of this Colorado based ministry that creates object lessons for parents to use to teach their children how to learn and apply God's Word. Kirk presented a seminar at one of our Iron Sharpens Iron Conferences; he and his ideas were a hit with many men. I could shared a number of stories about how Family Time materials are being used by individual families and churches - but I'd rather you hear from Kirk. Click here to listen to or download his seminar.
Family LaughingClick here to visit the Family Time website
Here is an excerpt from their monthly email newsletter: "Summer can be a great time for families to slow down and spend extra time together. Whether you're on a vacation on the beach or just talking a walk around the block, try out these suggested topics for great discussion on your next stroll as a family."
Here's is a sample activity for July: Free Monthly Activity: Family Walks
Words of Wisdom
I love to collect simple quotes or "words of wisdom" from various places that have broad application. I've devoted this week's radio spots to a few favorites, some new and some old. You may click on each of the following "words of wisdom" links to read and/or listen to the related radio broadcast:
AFR logoClick here to check out all our daily radio challenges or listen weekdays at 7:45 AM on American Family Radio 89.7 FM. I'm sure you have collected a few of these powerful quotes over the years. Send an email and tell me about a favorite or two.
About Noble Warriors and Noble Notes
Man at computerNoble Warriors exists to engage, equip and encourage churches who engage, equip and encourage men to walk with Christ and lead their families.
Noble Notes is a weekly email touch that we hope will help accomplish the mission. Our desire is that you find it useful and applicable. Please feel free to pass it along to others or submit an email address of a friend so they will receive it also.
You will find more helpful information at our website
AFR logoClick here to check out our daily radio challenges or listen week days at 7:45 AM on American Family Radio 89.7

Your comments and suggestions are welcome at

Mike Young
Noble Warriors
Safe Unsubscribe
Noble Warriors PO Box 1921 Midlothian VA 23113

Please let me know if you need anything else.
Thank you,
Laurie Harrison