Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Head Will Get Hot!, Barbie & Ken at Your Church?, Mobilize Your Men! We Can Help, Final Opportunity to Invest in 2010

Noble Warriors

Noble Notes

December 30, 2010

In This Issue

My Head Will Get Hot!

Barbie & Ken at Church?

Mobilize Your Men! We Can Help!

Final Opportunity to Invest in Noble Warriors for 2010!

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Will you partner with the ongoing ministry of Noble Warriors to help Engage, Encourage, & Equip Men?

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My Head Will Get Hot!

Last night we read Romans 12 at the dinner table. When I read verse 20-21 (If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something t drink. In doing this you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.) I asked them what this meant to them. Ben made a quick assessment and said, "If I'm mean to someone else and they're nice to me, my head will get hot!"

Much laughter followed, along with a great opportunity to talk about how we should treat others in our family, community and beyond. Being a dad is so much fun!

Barbie and Ken at Church?

David Murrow and Patrick Morley will be the featured speakers at our Leading Noble Men event on Tuesday, January 18th.

The purpose of this ½ day event is to equip and encourage pastors and key men's leaders in the local church to advance the priority of men's discipleship. I'm excited about the fact that over 40 churches have committed to attend.

Watch Dave Murrow's personal invitation on our Youtube channel:

Get more information and register here:

We want to see every church actively discipling men...

Mobilize Your Men! We Can Help!

Iron Sharpens Iron - Game Plan Packages

Request Your Package Now - Click Here

In a matter of days, we'll be sending out Game Plan Packages to Leaders who plan to mobilize men from their church for our Colonial Heights conference. Here are a few details....

Date: February 19, 2011 (Saturday)

Time: 8:30 AM - 4:55 PM

Location: Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Colonial Heights

Keynote Speakers: Bill Perkins and Carey Casey

Featured Seminars:

  • When Good Men Get Angry - Bill Perkins, West Linn, OR
  • Championship Fathering: Breaking it Down - Carey Casey, Shawnee Springs, KS
  • Media Choices: Conviction or Compromise - Phillip Telfer, San Antonio, TX
  • Outdoor Ministry: Connecting with Outdoorsmen in Their Season - Greg Edmonds, Mechanicsville, VA

Cost: Starts at $39 per man

Final Opportunity to Invest in Noble Warriors for 2010!

Perhaps you planned to invest in the work God is doing through Noble Warriors but forgot to mail in a check. You can still lock arms with us and help us continue to Engage, Equip and Encourage Churches to build men.

Click Here to make an online contribution...

HINT: One-time gifts are great and much appreciated, but please consider partnering with us on a monthly basis. Faithful partners help us serve churches to build men and ministry year round!

About Noble Warriors & Noble Notes

Noble Warriors exists to Engage, Equip and Encourage churches who Engage, Equip and Encourage men to walk with Christ and lead their families.

Noble Notes
is a weekly email touch that we hope will help accomplish the mission. Our desire is that you find it useful and applicable. Please feel free to pass it along to others or submit an email address of a friend so they will receive it also.

You will find more helpful information at our website

Your comments and suggestions are welcome at

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

FW: Leading Noble Men, (Blood) Red is a Great Christmas Color, Family Christmas Traditions

Noble Warriors

Noble Notes

December 8, 2010

In This Issue

Leading Noble Men

(Blood) Red is a Great Christmas Color!

Family Christmas Traditions

About Noble Warriors & Noble Notes

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Read the Noble Warriors'

Vision & Victories

2010 End of the Year Letter!

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Will you partner with the ongoing ministry of Noble Warriors to help Engage, Encourage, & Equip Men?

It's not too late...


Family LIfe will hold a Weekend to Remember marriage conference this weekend (Dec 10-12) at the Hilton Garden in Henrico!

And you can still register with the Noble WaWTR Suitcase Logorriors Group Discount of $79 per person!

Click here for more info or to register today!

Many of you receive these messages because they are forwarded to you by friends. Could I encourage you to add your name directly to our list?
Join Our Mailing List!

Leading Noble Men

Many of you have heard of David Murrow's Book, Why Men Hate Going to Church. I've shared copies of this book and David's concepts with many pastors and men'sWhy Men Hate Going to Church ministry leaders. Now, I'm glad to let you know that I'll actually be able to share David Murrow himself with many pastors and ministry leaders in Richmond.

Share this with your pastor! On Tuesday, January 18th, Noble Warriors will be hosting a ½ equipping opportunity for pastors and leaders. Our goal is to advance the priority of men's discipleship in the local church.

I'll be revealing more about this with you in the coming weeks but go ahead and mark your calendars now! Even better forward your pastor a personal note and a link to this registration page. Here are some details...

Featured Speakers

David Murrow

David Murrow

(Why Men Hate Going to Church)


Patrick Morley

Patrick Morley

(The Man In The Mirror and Pastoring Men)

Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time: 8:30 - 1:00

(Continental Breakfast provided at 8:30. Program starts at 9:00 AM)

Register Online Here.

Cost: Free - Please note, this opportunity isn't free because it's not worth anything. It's being offered free because committed sponsors have already made significant investments!)

Location: Grove Avenue Baptist Church

(Blood) Red is a Great Christmas Color!

blood driveHey Men, Our Bloodbanks are always short on blood at Christmas. Why not give the gift of life this season by participating in the Noble Warriors Blood Drive. The VBS Bloodmobile will be at the Noble Warriors office from 4PM - 7PM on Monday, December 13th. Come bleed with us!

Register Here for an appointment

Family Christmas Traditions

Guys, many of you who have participated in The Quest for Authentic Manhood may remember Session 21: Twenty Five Ways to Be a Servant-Leader. I think this is one of the most compelling sessions in all of Men's Fraternity. Here are two of the items from the list of 25.

  • FatherSon_ChristmasTreeA servant-leader initiates meaningful family traditions
  • A servant-leader plans fun outings for the family on a regular basis.

Gentlemen, the Christmas season is a great time for you to step up to real servant-leadership that will bless your family for many years. Here are a couple of ideas...

Start a tradition of taking your children out to shop for mom. You may take them as individuals or in a group. But make this a memorable experience. Our kids enjoy going out to shop for Stacy! The boys get antsy and complain when we're looking at clothes but Hannah just loves it. Their reactions are even stronger when we go into a 'smelly' place like Bath and Body Works. The boys are gasping for air and Hannah basks in delight.

When Stacy and her sisters were small, my father-in-law started the tradition of taking each daughter out individually for dinner and shopping. Stacy has already celebrated her 28th birthday several times, but each year she goes on a Christmas date with her dad.

Our family always goes Christmas caroling. Typically with another family, or a small group. We share a couple of songs on the porches of friends and family and hand off a small bag of cookies. The recipients are blessed and we are blessed with wonderful memories. (We've even been known to wander around our neighborhood in July singing Beach Boys tunes. We call this Summer Caroling but that's a different story!)

Perhaps you read the account of Christ's birth on Christmas Eve or bundle up and enjoy the Tacky Light Tour but the bottom line is this. Dad, be intentional and strategic in creating memories for your family. You don't have to be super creative or extravagant, just do it. By the way... make sure you use your traditions and activities to point your family toward Christ!

About Noble Warriors & Noble Notes

Man at computerNoble Warriors exists to Engage, Equip and Encourage churches who Engage, Equip and Encourage men to walk with Christ and lead their families.

Noble Notes
is a weekly email touch that we hope will help accomplish the mission. Our desire is that you find it useful and applicable. Please feel free to pass it along to others or submit an email address of a friend so they will receive it also.

You will find more helpful information at our website

Your comments and suggestions are welcome at

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Processing Summer, Breakfast with Mike, Men's Fraternity Updates

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September 3, 2010

In This Issue

Processing Summer

Breakfast With Mike

Men's Fraternity Update

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Will you partner with the ongoing ministry of Noble Warriors to help Engage, Encourage, & Equip Men?

Many of you receive these messages because they are forwarded to you by friends. Could I encourage you to add your name directly to our list?
Join Our Mailing List!

Coming Soon!

WTR Suitcase

Nov 19-21 ~ Kingsmill in Williamsburg, VA

Dec 10-12 ~ Hilton Short Pump in Richmond, VA

More details to follow next week including a link for you to receive a Noble Warriors discounted group rate of $79.50 per couple!

Processing Summer

Bless the Lord, O my soul;, and forget not all his benefits... Psalm 103:2

Summer is about to come to an end. The season has been quite busy for our family. Stacy and I feel like we've been in a whirlwind for three months. We're ready to settle back into some of the routines of the school year.

The kids have had a blast with all the things they've experienced but it's easy for them to just bump along waiting for the next exciting opportunity. They seldom take time to look back over their experiences and remember the friends, fun, excitement and delights of summer. They especially need help seeing how God has blessed us with opportunity, safety, friends and family.

So, one of the things we plan to do with this final weekend is take some time with the kids to talk about the summer. Here are a couple of our strategies...

I spent a lot of time with Tim on the mission trip to South Asia this summer. So Stacy plans to take Tim out for dinner and talk with him personally about his experiences. This will be a great mother/son activity. Both Stacy and Tim are looking forward to it.

I plan to take Hannah on a Daddy date and talk with her about all the things she enjoyed over the summer. We'll also discuss some expectations for her as she heads off to school for the first time. (We'll make it fun by painting some pottery at
All Fired Up.)

We'll also spend some time with Ben and Zach individually to talk about their experiences. At some point during the weekend we'll talk about the summer as a family. You and/or your kids may think that these intentional discussions are a little hokey... but don't let that stop you. We are conditioned in our culture to just keep breezing by life looking for what's next. It's worthwhile to look back and remember what we experienced and how it impacted us.

Men, lead your family to review the summer. Talk about experiences, lessons and reactions. Make sure you talk with them about their spiritual development. Did they grow closer to Christ over the summer? This conversation will produce a natural opportunity for you to talk about the future and set the stage for what they'll face as the school year kicks off! has an awesome family activity to help with this process. It's called Memory Stones. Use it to remind your children that God often instructed his followers to use stones as a way to remember what God did for them.

Noble Warriors Update - Breakfast with Mike

Click here for more info

We've reserved the meeting room at Shoney's on Hull Street for breakfast on

Saturday September 11th

7:30 to 9:00 AM


Mike Young will there to enjoy the breakfast buffet and provide an update for men's ministry leaders and others on the following:

  • Men's Fraternity
  • Courageous the Movie
  • Iron Sharpens Iron
  • A Men's Survey available for your church

No reservations are required but we'd like to be prepared! It would be helpful if you would email or call us (804-365-8683) if you plan to attend. By the way.... this is Dutch treat; breakfast and coffee will cost about $10!

Men's Fraternity

Hey Guys... We know that many Men's Fraternity groups will be launched next week.

Here's a list of groups we're aware of, If you know of a group that isn't listed, please shoot us the information so we can add it to our list!

  • Parkway Baptist Church - Moseley/Chesterfield, VA
  • Swift Creek Baptist Church - Midlothian/Chesterfield, VA
  • Cambridge Baptist Church - Near West End/Richmond, VA
  • Woodlake UMC - Midlothian/Chesterfield, VA
  • Capital One Men - Glen Allen, VA
  • Trinity UMC - Richmond, VA
  • Living Water Church of the Nazarene - Glen Allen, VA
  • Blacksburg Christian Fellowship - Blacksburg, VA
  • The Tabernacle - Danville, VA

About Noble Warriors & Noble Notes

Noble Warriors exists to engage, equip and encourage churches who engage, equip and encourage men to walk with Christ and lead their families.

Noble Notes is a weekly email touch that we hope will help accomplish the mission. Our desire is that you find it useful and applicable. Please feel free to pass it along to others or submit an email address of a friend so they will receive it also.

You will find more helpful information at our website

Click here to check out our daily radio challenges or listen week days at 7:45 AM on American Family Radio 89.7

Your comments and suggestions are welcome at

Mike Young
Noble Warriors