Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Head Will Get Hot!, Barbie & Ken at Your Church?, Mobilize Your Men! We Can Help, Final Opportunity to Invest in 2010

Noble Warriors

Noble Notes

December 30, 2010

In This Issue

My Head Will Get Hot!

Barbie & Ken at Church?

Mobilize Your Men! We Can Help!

Final Opportunity to Invest in Noble Warriors for 2010!

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My Head Will Get Hot!

Last night we read Romans 12 at the dinner table. When I read verse 20-21 (If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something t drink. In doing this you will heap burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.) I asked them what this meant to them. Ben made a quick assessment and said, "If I'm mean to someone else and they're nice to me, my head will get hot!"

Much laughter followed, along with a great opportunity to talk about how we should treat others in our family, community and beyond. Being a dad is so much fun!

Barbie and Ken at Church?

David Murrow and Patrick Morley will be the featured speakers at our Leading Noble Men event on Tuesday, January 18th.

The purpose of this ½ day event is to equip and encourage pastors and key men's leaders in the local church to advance the priority of men's discipleship. I'm excited about the fact that over 40 churches have committed to attend.

Watch Dave Murrow's personal invitation on our Youtube channel:

Get more information and register here:

We want to see every church actively discipling men...

Mobilize Your Men! We Can Help!

Iron Sharpens Iron - Game Plan Packages

Request Your Package Now - Click Here

In a matter of days, we'll be sending out Game Plan Packages to Leaders who plan to mobilize men from their church for our Colonial Heights conference. Here are a few details....

Date: February 19, 2011 (Saturday)

Time: 8:30 AM - 4:55 PM

Location: Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Colonial Heights

Keynote Speakers: Bill Perkins and Carey Casey

Featured Seminars:

  • When Good Men Get Angry - Bill Perkins, West Linn, OR
  • Championship Fathering: Breaking it Down - Carey Casey, Shawnee Springs, KS
  • Media Choices: Conviction or Compromise - Phillip Telfer, San Antonio, TX
  • Outdoor Ministry: Connecting with Outdoorsmen in Their Season - Greg Edmonds, Mechanicsville, VA

Cost: Starts at $39 per man

Final Opportunity to Invest in Noble Warriors for 2010!

Perhaps you planned to invest in the work God is doing through Noble Warriors but forgot to mail in a check. You can still lock arms with us and help us continue to Engage, Equip and Encourage Churches to build men.

Click Here to make an online contribution...

HINT: One-time gifts are great and much appreciated, but please consider partnering with us on a monthly basis. Faithful partners help us serve churches to build men and ministry year round!

About Noble Warriors & Noble Notes

Noble Warriors exists to Engage, Equip and Encourage churches who Engage, Equip and Encourage men to walk with Christ and lead their families.

Noble Notes
is a weekly email touch that we hope will help accomplish the mission. Our desire is that you find it useful and applicable. Please feel free to pass it along to others or submit an email address of a friend so they will receive it also.

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