Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Update: Building Men's Ministry in the Local Church

Update: Building Men's Ministry in the Local Church
God is at work among us! This spring Noble Warriors hosted three Reaching Every Man training events. Forty-seven men representing twenty-seven churches were equipped and encouraged to develop an all-inclusive ministry to men in their churches.
Last month, thirty-eight men from twent-three churches received specific training on how to use Men's Fraternity as part of their church's men's ministry process. We're excited to be able to multiply the impact of Noble Warriors by strengthening the local church!
Be on the lookout for more training opportunities soon! Feel free to call our office, (804) 365-8683 or email Mike ( with any questions about engaging, equipping and encouraging men.
Upcoming Opportunities
Monday, June 21st, 4 PM to 7 PM
at Noble Warriors Leadership Zone

Business By The Book: Achieving True Success in the Marketplace by Crown Financial - business by the bookFriday, June 25th, 10 AM to 5 PM - Entrust Federal Credit Union's Conference room in Richmond. Call (804.278.4714) Greta Kidd to register

First Things Richmond
presents Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage- August 20th & 21st featuring Mark Gungor at Mt. Gilead Church in Richmond

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

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