Tuesday, August 17, 2010

FW: Mike & Tim are Home!, Nailing Jello to the Wall, The Beard Must Go!, It's Not Too Late to Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage!

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Noble Notes 

Encouragement For Men


August 17, 2010


YOUNG MEN ON A MISSION - Mike & Tim are home!

We're home, recuperating from jet lag, busy with the final days of summer activities and preparing for the Fall! Mike Tim BangledeshIn the coming weeks we will share more details of our exciting father/son mission adventure in South Asia. You'll hear about how we were asked to leave one village after we had all the equipment set up, but hadn't yet started the Jesus film. We'll also tell you about showing the film under the courtyard pavilion on the grounds of a Hindu temple on the following night. In the meantime you may want to visit our blog to see more pictures and stories.

In This Issue

Young Men on a Mission: Mike & Tim Are Home!

Nailing Jello to the Wall

The Beard Must Go!

It's Not Too Late To Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage

About Noble Notes


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Mike, Tim & SwamiWhen the children of Israel grew tired of waiting for Moses, they cried out to Aaron for a God, something to believe in... (Exodus 32:1-8) ... He took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool. They said, "These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt." When I read that verse, I have to stop. God had already shown himself powerful to the Children of Israel in so many ways. Yet they turned their worship toward created things rather than the Creator.

One day on our recent mission adventure in South Asia, Tim and I spent a significant amount of time visiting two Hindu temples. In each place we saw gods made by human hands that were revered, respected and worshiped by Hindus. That's strange enough... worshiping created things. But when we sat for an extended time with a Swami at the larger temple and tried to follow his explanation of what they believe... it was all over the place.

The swami used a logo for his temple/mission to explain that their goal is to reach a point where they no longer have any personal desires. They are all about helping others and wanting things only for others. They hope to achieve this through... dedication, meditation, selfless service and wisdom. The conversation went on for a long time... Tim asked... "So when do you know that you've prayed enough?"

Great question! But no great answer.

We received gracious hospitality and had an unforgettable experience but left there knowing that there's no truth in their philosophy.


We finished the time by going into the temple with the Swami to see the gods... a statue of a man. I was amazed that they were worshiping a statue of a man. We then had an opportunity to share a simple gospel presentation with them using the evanga-card.


Pretty crazy- to be standing in a Hindu temple, with a swami, sharing Christ. But here's something even more strange... There are many Americans whose thoughts and understanding about how they plan to get to heaven/eternal bliss is just as flimsy as the swamis! Their faith is without substance and when you try to figure them out and understand what they really believe or compare it to Truth.... it's like nailing Jello to a wall.

The Beard Must Go!

While the beard was a hit with some of the villages in South Asia,

 it was NOT with Stacy! 


Mike's beardMikes beard 2Mikes beard 3Mikes beard 4


She has also made it clear that the sideburns, mustache and soul patch have to go as well!



 Fri Aug 20th 7-10 PM & Sat Aug 21st 9-12:30 PM

Mark Gungor

Featuring Mark Gungor.

"I love to inspire peoples' lives with truth and humor. There are a lot of performers that make people laugh and there are a lot of speakers who give solid principals for living. I want to do both"

It's not too late to sign up!!

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage is a wildly entertaining and informative marriage event designed to bring hope and positive change to your marriage, create better communication, help your spouse to better understand you and your needs and to rekindle the romance and passion in your marriage... and no workbooks.   Best of all it is male friendly!



Presented by First Things First of Greater Richmond 


Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage


 Click here for more info        ~         Click Here for a Video Clips


About Noble Warriors and Noble Notes

Man at computerNoble Warriors exists to engage, equip and encourage churches who engage, equip and encourage men to walk with Christ and lead their families.


Noble Notes is a weekly email touch that we hope will help accomplish the mission. Our desire is that you find it useful and applicable. Please feel free to pass it along to others or submit an email address of a friend so they will receive it also.


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AFR logoClick here to check out our daily radio challenges or listen week days at 7:45 AM on American Family Radio 89.7  

Your comments and suggestions are welcome at noblenotes@noblewarriors.org.

Mike Young
Noble Warriors


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