Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Prayer Guide for Noble Warriors, 2 Young Men on Mission

Noble Warriors with arrow

Noble Notes

Encouragement For Men

July 28, 2010

In This Issue

Strategic Prayer Initiative

Praying for You

Praying for Noble Warriors

2 Young Men on Mission

Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage

About Noble Notes

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Canoe Trip 2007- 2


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Will you partner with the ongoing ministry of Noble Warriors to help Engage, Encourage, &

Equip Men?


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Strategic Prayer Initiative - Friday July 30th!

God has been faithful, so must we...

So for 12 hours on Friday, July 30th, from 5 AM to 5 PM we're asking folks to pray for Noble Warriors.

Click here to download a prayer guide. (An abbreviated guide is included in a an article below.)

Click here to visit our blog where you can post your comments about prayer support for Noble Warriors.

Click Here to register for a specific 30 minute prayer time on Friday.

We are thankful for what God has already done and are looking forward to what he will do next!

The Noble Warriors office will be open for prayer throughout the day.

Please consider being a part of this important aspect of the ministry by praying during one of our 30 minute time slots.

Click here to register!

Praying for You!

We'd love to add your specific request to our prayer list that folks in our office will be praying through on Friday. Please send us an email if you have a specific request.

Of particular interest would be specific requests related to churches who are working to build or strengthen their ministry to men!

Click here to send us a prayer request.

Praying for Noble Warriors

Noble Warriors Mission:

Engage, Equip& Encourage Churches to

Engage Equip & Encourage Men to:

Walk with Christ and

Lead their Families

The following is an abbreviated prayer guide for our prayer time on Friday. Please
download the full document and pray through it as you have opportunity.

Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits. Psalm 103:1-2

Praise for impact Noble Warriors is having in the community, in individual men's lives and in church discipleship to men.

Many men, marriages, families and chruches have already been impacted by the work God is doing through Noble Warriors. Take time to thank God for...

  • The impact this ministry has had on you personally

  • Someone you know who has been impacted by this ministry

  • Pastors who are thinking more specifically and strategically about discipling men

  • Children who have been blessed by a father who loves them differently now

  • Marriages that have been strengthened.

"And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it." John 14:13-14

  • The Noble Warriors heartbeat is for men! Pray for MEN..
  • Pray for healthy and engaged leadership from our Board of Directors
  • Pray for strategic partnerships between Noble Warriors and other ministries
  • Pray for Financial Partnership Development
  • Pray for direction, planning, resources - both financial & human impact for the following ministry initiatives.


Mike Tim and Stacy

Mike, Tim and Stacy

Tim and I are headed to South Asia on a mission trip this Saturday. We've started a blog called 2 Young Men on Mission to share the story and our experiences. Take a look at our preliminary posts and register to follow our story. We hope to make posts periodically throughout the trip as we have opportunity and access to electricity/internet.

Also... speaking of prayer as God brings us to mind this week, would you pray for us to be effective in the work God has prepared for us. Our primary mission is to share Jesus Christ with folks who make endless sacrifices and offerings to gods made by human hands, having never heard of God the Creator who loves them so much that he was willing to make a sacrifice of his own son on their behalf.

We'll look forward to sharing the experience with you in more detail when we're back in VA. Feel free to post comments about the trip on our blog.


Guys, you may think your home is your biggest investment... but it's just a building without a healthy family to share it with. Don't be afraid to make significant investments in your marriage. The dividends will be far greater than the stock market or real estate investing!

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

Click Here For More Information

Presented by First Things First of Greater Richmond - Aug 20-21

About Noble Warriors and Noble Notes

Noble Warriors exists to engage, equip and encourage churches who engage, equip and encourage men to walk with Christ and lead their families.

Noble Notes is a weekly email touch that we hope will help accomplish the mission. Our desire is that you find it useful and applicable. Please feel free to pass it along to others or submit an email address of a friend so they will receive it also.

You will find more helpful information at our website

Click here to check out our daily radio challenges or listen week days at 7:45 AM on American Family Radio 89.7

Your comments and suggestions are welcome at

Mike Young
Noble Warriors

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