Thursday, June 10, 2010

Caught in the Act!

Caught in the Act!
Courageous the movieEarlier this week, Zachery (11) and I visited Albany, Georgia where the folks at Sherwood Baptist Church are filming Courageous. This is the next feature film from the team who brought us Flywheel, Facing the Giants & Fireproof. The experience was exciting and eye opening.
How can a church in a small Georgia town produce films that rock the world? Here's how... During a clip review session Alex Kendrick said "we know that God's favor is our greatest asset. We don't want to do anything that would cause God to remove His hand of blessing from this new project. It's all about Him and His love of us through Jesus Christ."
That's it! Everyone involved in the projects are just

Ken Bevel
regular guys who love the Lord and want to do their best to honor Him. As a matter of fact, Ken Bevel (Michael in Fireproof) plays a sheriff's deputy in Courageous. But during a break in filming I found him in the Sherwood church nursery with a child on each knee. I snapped a photo and thanked him for living out his faith and commitment as a dad. He said "I'm just trying to get it right". Men, I caught him in the act of being who he is... A godly man who's working hard to be a father who will impact the future by blessing his children.
For those who are curious, Zachery and I were extras in three scenes. There is no telling whether or not we'l

Courageous Filming - Group Picture
make the cuts and actually be part of the film, but the experience was a blast. Here's a photo of us on the set. Yes, that's Robert Lewis, author of the Men's Fraternity material, with us.
To see other photos from our set click here

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