Thursday, June 10, 2010

How to Ruin Your Life by 40

How to Ruin Your Life by 40
How to Ruin Your Life by 40 By Steve  FarrarMen, I love to put excellent resources in your hands! I recently read a book by Steve Farrar - titled How to Ruin Your Life by 40. It's a quick read (139 pages w/lots of white space). But the message is potent!
The book started out as a series of talks that Steve presented at a high school graduation and a conference for college students. So the target is not us 40 (and plus) year old guys but the younger guys... the ones who are just starting to make decision as adults. However, I recommend it for us "mature" guys too! You'll meet yourself and many men you know on every page. Then, you need to use this book to help a younger man, someone you can mentor to steer clear of some ticking time bombs. These are decisions and attitudes that will blow them out of the water before their journey sets sail. Here's a sample of the pitfalls...
If you want to ruin your life by 40:
  • Ignore the law of cause and effect
  • Refuse to take responsibility for your choices
  • Ignore God's directions about marriage
  • Develop a mind-set that is not teachable
  • Hide your heart instead of guarding it
Guys, this book will provide some great discussion starters for you and your son (or daughter), or a young protege. It deals with issues that really are critical to abundant living. Purchase a copy. Read it for yourself. Then find a way to share your life experiences and Steve Farrar's wisdom with a young person who's just getting started in life. You could impact many generations by helping one young adult steer clear of satan's traps.

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