Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fathers & Sons, Zack's Courageous Blooper, Opportunities

Fathers & Sons - Challenge Course

On Thursday evening last week, five fathers and seven sons faced their fears and learned aboutRichmond Ropes Event working together in a unique Richmond environment. We were part of a father/son outing at Richmond Ropes. Richmond Ropes is a fully certified ACCT High & Low Ropes Challenge Course. It is located in a beautiful patch of woods in East Richmond.

We had a blast working together to conquer the Low Ropes Obstacle Course then tackled the Giant Swing and the High Multi-vine Obstacle. Stepping off the 20' platform to enjoy the Giant Swing was a thrill! Just like stepping out on faith to follow God. Crossing a cable that's 20' in the air with nothing moreRichmond Ropes than a few ropes to hold you steady was a thrill as well.

A trip to Richmond Ropes would be an exciting summer activity for a group of dads and kids from your church. The events are challenging and fun but "processing" the activities in a group then individually with your kids is a great way to teach spiritual truths!

Click here to visit Richmond Ropes Course

Click here to see photo gallery

Zack's "Courageous" Blooper!

Zack Marker Clip

Zack's Blooper!

While on the movie set of Courageous my son, Zack, had the opportunity to "mark" the filming of a couple of scenes. Enjoy his little Courageous blooper!

Follow the progress of the filming of Courageous on their blog

Become a fan of Courageous on Facebook

Upcoming Opportunities!

blood driveNoble Warriors Blood Drive

Monday, June 21st, 4 PM to 7 PM

at Noble Warriors Leadership Zone

Click here to register for a time slot

Business By The Book: Achieving True Success in the Marketplace by Crown Financial - business by the bookFriday, June 25th, 10 AM to 5 PM - Entrust Federal Credit Union's Conference room in Richmond. Email or call (804.278.4714) Greta Kidd to register

First Things Richmond

presents Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage- August 20th & 21st featuring Mark Gungor at Mt. Gilead Church in Richmond

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

The Truth Project training presented by The Family Foundation and Focus on the Family. Through this trraining you can become a small group Truth Project facilitator in your church or community. Click here for more information from The Family Foundation.

About Noble Warriors

Man at computerNoble Warriors exists to engage, equip and encourage churches who engage, equip and encourage men to walk with Christ and lead their families.

You will find more helpful information at our website

ISI 2009 CHClick here to check out our daily radio challenges or listen week days at 7:45 AM on American Family Radio 89.7

It's wasn't a look of disgust, frustration or anger. Although I do get those looks from time to time. No, it was a look that warmed my heart and made me feel Ben Swimminggreat. Ben gave me the look when he noticed me at swim practice. He didn't say anything. He didn't run over and give me a hug. He saw me, his facial expression changed to a confident grin, and he went on about his business.

It really wasn't a big deal. No one else probably noticed. No other parents or kids cared that Mike Young was there. But Ben Young did! And he & I shared a moment. Twenty yards apart but a connection at the heart. I was there simply to watch and cheer. From time to time as the practice went on, he would look over to see... is Dad still here? Is Dad still watching? I'm sure there wereBen times when I didn't see him look at me as there were times when he didn't see me watching him. But when our eyes would touch, there was another moment.

Men, we all know the impact of a dad's presence, or lack thereof. I still remember looking up in the stands on Friday nights to see my Dad, wearing my varsity jacket, standing on the top row. His presence make a difference. My presence makes a difference to Tim, Zack, Ben and Hannah. I can't be there for every practice or competition but I want to be there when I can. It feels great to know that just being there so they can see me inspires confidence, courage, and strength.

Fathers Day TieSunday is Father's Day. Make sure you celebrate your Dad or another man whose presence in you life quickened your stride, strengthened your resolve and made you stand taller. Also, make sure you are seeking out opportunities to encourage your children or other youngsters - simply with your presence.

One final thought... Men, when we do this well, we help children catch a glimpse of our Heavenly Father. Consider Proverbs 15:3 "The eyes of the Lord are in every place keeping watch on the evil and the good".

Thursday, June 10, 2010

How to Ruin Your Life by 40

How to Ruin Your Life by 40
How to Ruin Your Life by 40 By Steve  FarrarMen, I love to put excellent resources in your hands! I recently read a book by Steve Farrar - titled How to Ruin Your Life by 40. It's a quick read (139 pages w/lots of white space). But the message is potent!
The book started out as a series of talks that Steve presented at a high school graduation and a conference for college students. So the target is not us 40 (and plus) year old guys but the younger guys... the ones who are just starting to make decision as adults. However, I recommend it for us "mature" guys too! You'll meet yourself and many men you know on every page. Then, you need to use this book to help a younger man, someone you can mentor to steer clear of some ticking time bombs. These are decisions and attitudes that will blow them out of the water before their journey sets sail. Here's a sample of the pitfalls...
If you want to ruin your life by 40:
  • Ignore the law of cause and effect
  • Refuse to take responsibility for your choices
  • Ignore God's directions about marriage
  • Develop a mind-set that is not teachable
  • Hide your heart instead of guarding it
Guys, this book will provide some great discussion starters for you and your son (or daughter), or a young protege. It deals with issues that really are critical to abundant living. Purchase a copy. Read it for yourself. Then find a way to share your life experiences and Steve Farrar's wisdom with a young person who's just getting started in life. You could impact many generations by helping one young adult steer clear of satan's traps.

Caught in the Act!

Caught in the Act!
Courageous the movieEarlier this week, Zachery (11) and I visited Albany, Georgia where the folks at Sherwood Baptist Church are filming Courageous. This is the next feature film from the team who brought us Flywheel, Facing the Giants & Fireproof. The experience was exciting and eye opening.
How can a church in a small Georgia town produce films that rock the world? Here's how... During a clip review session Alex Kendrick said "we know that God's favor is our greatest asset. We don't want to do anything that would cause God to remove His hand of blessing from this new project. It's all about Him and His love of us through Jesus Christ."
That's it! Everyone involved in the projects are just

Ken Bevel
regular guys who love the Lord and want to do their best to honor Him. As a matter of fact, Ken Bevel (Michael in Fireproof) plays a sheriff's deputy in Courageous. But during a break in filming I found him in the Sherwood church nursery with a child on each knee. I snapped a photo and thanked him for living out his faith and commitment as a dad. He said "I'm just trying to get it right". Men, I caught him in the act of being who he is... A godly man who's working hard to be a father who will impact the future by blessing his children.
For those who are curious, Zachery and I were extras in three scenes. There is no telling whether or not we'l

Courageous Filming - Group Picture
make the cuts and actually be part of the film, but the experience was a blast. Here's a photo of us on the set. Yes, that's Robert Lewis, author of the Men's Fraternity material, with us.
To see other photos from our set click here

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bangladesh - A Father/Son Adventure

To Bangladesh - A Father/Son Adventure

Mike & TimOne of my goals as a dad has been to have an international missions experience with each of my sons as they prepare to enter high school. I wanted the experience to be a life-marker; an opportunity to spend time with each of them individually in an environment that's completely foreign. Stretching our faith and living expectantly... (As if starting Noble Warriors wasn't enough of a faith stretch!)

Tim is fourteen and will be headed off to high school in September. Our summer schedule is already pretty crazy so I wasn't sure if something would work out for us, but just recently we made a commitment to join two other men on a trip to Bangladesh. Admittedly, I don't have a strong sense of calling to the Bangla people or even to that part of the world. (Bangladesh is just east of India.) My calling is to a God-sized faith adventure with my sons... And Timothy's up first.

Our mission isn't completely clear yet. We'll be working with a resident missionary to the Hindu people of Bangladesh. BangladeshWe do know that we'll have an opportunity to experience life and culture in an area of the world where Christianity is very much a minor religion. We'll experience incredible population density, extreme poverty and many other culture shocks.

Stacy and I continue to pray expectantly for the impact this adventure will have on Timothy... but I have to tell you that I've been surprised by the impact that the preparation process is having on me. I'm experiencing a growing excitement about this 'frontier' mission experience. I'm also amazed by the thoughts about my own life and faith that have been generated.
I'll share more about our preparation and the trip in the coming weeks. In the meantime, would you please pray that God would go before us, preparing the way for our journey and that He would work in us, preparing us for the experience?

One final thought... men I believe this will have a huge impact on both Tim and me as individuals and our father/son relationship. As this story unfolds, I hope you'll begin to consider what it might look like for you to participate in an international missions experience with your children.

Courageous - Honor Begins at Home

Many of you were deeply impacted by the movie Fireproof and are anxious for the next film from the Sherwood Pictures Team, Courageous. Out in Theaters in early 2011, Courageous is a film about four law enforcement officers who wrestle with challenges of a demanding profession and the even bigger challenge of fathering.

Courageous is currently being filmed in Albany, Georgia. I'm looking forward to being there next Monday and Tuesday to see some of the filming and experience the making of what many are praying will be another "God Movie".

Here are some links that will help you keep up with developments:

Noble Warriors has a personal connection with Stephen Kendrick, who is the producer for Sherwood Pictures. Stephen spoke at our Colonial Heights Iron Sharpens Iron Conference in 2009. Many men were moved by his personal testimony about his own father's impact and the role that prayer played in the making of Flywheel, Facing the Giants, and Fireproof.

I want to challenge and encourage you to add Courageous to your prayer lists. Let's pray that this film will have the same level of impact on men that Fireproof had on marriages.

Click here to download Stephen's Seminar about the making of Flywheel, Facing the Giants, and Fireproof titled "Courage to Defeat Giants".

Update: Building Men's Ministry in the Local Church

Update: Building Men's Ministry in the Local Church
God is at work among us! This spring Noble Warriors hosted three Reaching Every Man training events. Forty-seven men representing twenty-seven churches were equipped and encouraged to develop an all-inclusive ministry to men in their churches.
Last month, thirty-eight men from twent-three churches received specific training on how to use Men's Fraternity as part of their church's men's ministry process. We're excited to be able to multiply the impact of Noble Warriors by strengthening the local church!
Be on the lookout for more training opportunities soon! Feel free to call our office, (804) 365-8683 or email Mike ( with any questions about engaging, equipping and encouraging men.
Upcoming Opportunities
Monday, June 21st, 4 PM to 7 PM
at Noble Warriors Leadership Zone

Business By The Book: Achieving True Success in the Marketplace by Crown Financial - business by the bookFriday, June 25th, 10 AM to 5 PM - Entrust Federal Credit Union's Conference room in Richmond. Call (804.278.4714) Greta Kidd to register

First Things Richmond
presents Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage- August 20th & 21st featuring Mark Gungor at Mt. Gilead Church in Richmond

Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage